The response to the Coronavirus pandemic has been wrought with confusion. Medical professionals argue among themselves what should and shouldn’t be done. There are rarely any winners. 

Face masks are one of the ongoing debates. Should we wear face masks or not?

Reasons are given in favour of face masks. Opinions and evidence have been presented outlining the risks. 

However, it is quite disturbing that medical professionals have never mentioned how face masks stifle a critical life-giving force; oxygen.

Masking The Reasons

In 2020, a letter written by the Medical Doctor and Epidemiologist at University College London wrote a letter to the editor of the British Medical Journal (BMJ). 

The writer, a qualified medical professional, pointed out that “most scientific articles and guidelines” only present two potential side effects of wearing a face mask. They are: 

1. Masks can give people a false sense of security whereby people can become less attentive to other precautions (i.e. social distancing)

2. Masks are not worn correctly and, therefore, are ineffective

The letter then goes on to list other potential side effects the medical professional feels are missing from the list. He states:

  • Face masks could be a transmission route for Covid-19 because masks can be contaminated
  • The quality and the volume of speech between two people wearing masks is compromised
  • Wearing a face mask causes exhaled air to go into the eyes
  • Face masks make breathing more difficult

Another source identified the researchers in the UK claim that discarded face masks could create around 42,000 tonnes of potentially contaminated and unrecyclable waste.

The Need To Breathe 

Seven reasons have been given noting the risks of face masks. Yet the one striking omission is that without sufficient quantities of oxygen, your immune system is weakened.

Ironically, Covid-19 is fatal for people with a compromised or weak immune system.

Oxygen plays a huge part in keeping good physical health. The air we breathe plays a pivotal role in the creation of antibodies that fight harmful bacteria, viruses, and infections. 

In addition, oxygen is known to play a key role in strong mental health and boosting energy levels. The brain relies on air to stay alert, aid focus, stimulate brain activity, and helps sleep. There are other benefits to intaking sufficient quantities of oxygen also. 

Take A Deep Breathe

Wearing a face mask in public doesn’t represent an effective solution. Whilst it is sensible to wear masks in confined indoor spaces such as shops and hotel lobby’s, walking through the streets with a face mask on deprives people of their prime source of vitality. 

Walking experts show how important walking is for the immune system. It helps to alleviate stress, reduce blood pressure, and can even lower the mortality rate. 

Most importantly, walking causes the heart to beat faster and our breathing gets deeper. We take in more oxygen. This is why walking and all other forms of exercise have so many health benefits.

If you’re wearing a mask everywhere you go, you are starving yourself of the life-giving qualities of oxygen. By all means, wear a mask when you are in a confined space, but when you’re walking from A to B, lose the mask and take deep breaths. 


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